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The Complete Guide to Designing Your Brand’s Logo for Custom Packaging

The Complete Guide to Designing Your Brand’s Logo for Custom Packaging

A logo is an emblem of exclusivity and recognition for your brand. It is what makes the products of your company stand apart from those of its competitors. The logo of a brand is a sign of identification for the consumers of your product.

What is a logo?

A logo is the foremost visual link between a brand and its market. It is a symbol or emblem, a piece of artistry that is the sigil of your brand. It has to be one-of-a-kind, exceptional, and incongruent with the logos of other companies.

Types of Logo:

A logo can be a combination of pictorial elements and typography. It can also be an illustration or a simple letter written in distinctive typography. We are going to explore different types of logos, which will certainly give you an impeccable idea for designing your company’s logo for custom packaging. The types of logos are as follows:

  1. Monogram Logos
  2. Wordmark Logos
  3. Letterform Logos
  4. Mascot logos
  5. Emblem Logos
  6. Pictorial Logos
  7. Combination Logos

Let’s go through each of these types of logos individually to get a better understanding of logo designing for your brand, so that you can get your mark printed on custom-printed packaging boxes.

  1. Monogram Logos

Monogram logos are also known as lettermarks.  These usually comprise the initials of the brand name.

Examples: Luis Vuitton (LV), PlayStation (PS), Hewlett-Packard (HP), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

This type of logo becomes the commonly used name of your brand, like seriously, who says National Aeronautics and Space Administration anymore? People just go with NASA! This type of logo is usually used by companies that have long names and want to shorten the name for the sake of remembrance.

  • Wordmark Logos

Wordmarks are also known as logotypes. These are also custom typography-based logos, akin to Lettermarks. Inimitability in the font used for typing in the brand name is what sets these logos apart.

Examples: Google, Coca-Cola, Calvin Klein, Crate & Barrel

If your brand has a strikingly catchy name that you want to spread out in the world like wildfire, this type of logo is definitely for you, although designing a custom font does require skill.

  • Letterform Logos

These logos are one-letter logos, usually showcasing the first letter of the brand name. Letterforms are small and easily upgradeable. These minuscule logos are especially recognizable if they are not over-detailed and do not exhibit complicated designs.

Examples: McDonald’s (M), Beats by Dre (b), Netflix (N), WordPress (W)

This type of logo is popularly used by companies that are well-known already. Sometimes this can be used as the shorter version of the aforementioned wordmark logo of a brand.

  • Mascot logos

A mascot logo is a fun way to market your brand, as it includes an illustrated mascot, usually a sketch or a cartoon, that represents your brand.

Examples: The mascots of the respective brands are mentioned in parenthesis: KFC (Colonel Sanders), Disney (Mickey Mouse), WWF (Panda), Bushmaster (Viper)

Mascot logos are the best choice for you if your targeted audience includes families or children, as they carry with them a friendly aura. It is notable that mascot logos require more details compared to the types of logos cited earlier.

  • Emblem Logos

The emblem or badge logos, as the name suggests, comprise crests or sigils that get etched in your consumers’ minds.

Examples: Starbucks, Harvard, Versace, Porsche

Use emblems as logos especially if you want to display a tagline or a catchphrase in your logo. Symbols are great articles for memory retention, and using emblem logos would make your company’s slogan popular.

  • Pictorial Logos

Pictorial logos are an ingeniously artistic representation of the identity of your business. These brand marks or symbols, when laid eyes upon, promptly take your consumer’s mind towards your business.

Examples: Apple (A bitten apple), Mercedes-Benz (The propeller sign), Nike (the tick), Shell (the red and yellow shell)

Use this if the pictogram of your brand is solidified. This will surely jog your consumers’ memory and get them thinking of your brand. This is quite visually appealing.

  • Combination Logos

There is no guessing that this is the type of logo that combines typography with pictorial elements, to create a brand’s identification symbol.

Examples: Adidas, Doritos, Ralph Lauren, Taco Bell

For companies that are not yet well established and are novices in the market, this type of logo is a remarkable choice. This sort of logo is going to help you build your brand recognition. This will be a unique introduction to your brand, as it carries both the brand name as well as the pictorial representation of your brand.

Concluding Remarks:

By now you would be an expert on logos and their various types. Always remember this when you are getting a design printed on your custom packaging boxes, no matter how intricately you put together your design, your logo will be your trademark. A logo printed on your custom packaging boxes will always be what your consumers identify your brand name by. So, using our guide on logos and our highly efficient packaging solutions, design the perfect packaging to market and protect your products. You will not be disappointed!